
Web, XML and mobile technology

We are specialists in the development of applications with web technology and XML.

Web technology

Microsoft .NET and SQL Server

For the creation of applications based on web technology for Microsoft environments.

HTML5 and CSS3

Create presentation layers adapted to the dimensions and usability of each device.


For projects requiring PHP technology on Linux and Apache platforms.

JQuery and AJAX

To create dynamic and interactive effects, transitions and advanced user interfaces.

Java and Oracle

Creation of applications / interfaces that integrate data from heterogeneous information systems.


For web services and the exchange of information and data between heterogeneous platforms.

Applications to connect from anywhere in the world.

Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint Designer

Designing, implementing, and customizing SharePoint with SharePoint Designer

Visual Studio C#

Customization of the business logic of the application and creation of web parts.

JavaScript / CSOM

Customization of the business logic and presentation of the advanced user interface


Technology and applications to manage information and knowledge

Technology for BI and Big Data

OLAP cubes

Design and implementation of OLAP cubes in SQL Server databases

Apache Hadoop

Infrastructure in the cloud to store and process large volumes of information.


Create advanced reports on data using cube techniques.

Google BigQuery

Easily analyze large volumes of information in the cloud.

JTableau / Pivot Tables

Use of PivotTables to make it easy to create reports without scheduling.

Map / Reduce, Pig and Hive

Techniques for performing data analysis on clustered nodes in the cloud.